3 factors that make meat good or bad for you

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3 factors that make meat good or bad for you

Meat gives a lot of nutrients

Nigerians popularly called it an Obstacle. You hear things like, “There is no obstacle in this food, no way I am eating it.”

If you are Nigerian, you cannot eat any food without some sort of meat inside it.

Meat is a broad term we used to refer to animals and poultry. Meat also means red meat like beef, pork and lamb; white (lean) meat like chicken and processed meat like sausages.

lean meat has low fat content

Meat is neither out rightly good nor bad. Meat is a source of protein, vitamins, fatty acids and minerals. It helps increase metabolism and leads to stronger bones

One of the major issues with meat is that it has been linked with different diseases but the common saying is that correlation is not causation.

Meat is not out rightly bad, it has some health benefits. A lot of factors makes it either good or bad.

How it is prepared

It is better to grill your meat than to fry it. Grilling your meat helps to burn some fat off it which reduces the fat content.

You can also bake, boil or stir-fry your meat for a reduced fat content

The type of meat

Generally, lean meat is healthier than red meat. Lean meats are meats that have a low-fat content like chicken, turkey, fish and pork. They have low calorie and low fat.

Red meat on the other hand has a high-fat content e.g. beef, goat meat.

Buy shellfish like shrimp, crab and lobster. It adds variety to your meal and it is quite healthy.

Shrimp is delicious, healthy and adds variety to your food

The size of the meat

The lesser the size the more healthy it is. The American Cancer Society has recommended three-four ounces of meat.

Three-four ounces would be like a bar of soap or a deck of cards.

I know you are thinking, 'Should I just become a vegan?'. Well, while vegans are less likely to have heart related complications, the lack of meat leads to certain nutrient deficiencies they should supplement.


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